Mighty Morphin Power Rangers: Lord Zedd's Monster Heads
1995-08-29 |
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When Lord Zedd peeks in on the Angel Grove High School Halloween Party, he decides to throw his own bash. After all, who could host a better Halloween party than the supreme monster maker himself? Join Lord Zedd, Goldar, and their bumbling henchmen as they reminisce about some of the greatest monsters ever to battle the Power Rangers. This special episode features incredible fighting scenes with the meanest and ugliest monsters including Eye Guy, Silver Horns, the Pumpkin Rapper, Snizzard, Lips, the Terror Toad, and many, many more.
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685 Movie prompts Related to Mighty Morphin Power Rangers: Lord Zedd's Monster Heads
Maimovie AI learns movie taste from social media, search keywords, and other diverse crowd data. As a result, our AI has characterized this movie with the following movie tastes:
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685 prompts ranked by the crowd
Ranked #7238
Ranked #15197
Ranked #17690
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Based on the crowd’s live-updated social data, the following movie tastes represent the featured crew of the movie, Mighty Morphin Power Rangers: Lord Zedd's Monster Heads:
Top 20 Movies Similar to Mighty Morphin Power Rangers: Lord Zedd's Monster Heads
Movies Similar to Mighty Morphin Power Rangers: Lord Zedd's Monster Heads
“ Tortuously Slow ”
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“ Based On Movieverse ”
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Concept & Idea
“ Dumbfounded ”
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“ Crappy CG ”
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“ Final Insult ”
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Mighty Morphin Power Rangers: Lord Zedd's Monster Heads FAQ
The runtime of Mighty Morphin Power Rangers: Lord Zedd's Monster Heads is 30 minutes.
The certification of Mighty Morphin Power Rangers: Lord Zedd's Monster Heads is NR.
The release date of Mighty Morphin Power Rangers: Lord Zedd's Monster Heads is August 29, 1995.
When Lord Zedd peeks in on the Angel Grove High School Halloween Party, he decides to throw his own bash. After all, who could host a better Halloween party than the supreme monster maker himself? Join Lord Zedd, Goldar, and their bumbling henchmen as they reminisce about some of the greatest monsters ever to battle the Power Rangers. This special episode features incredible fighting scenes with the meanest and ugliest monsters including Eye Guy, Silver Horns, the Pumpkin Rapper, Snizzard, Lips, the Terror Toad, and many, many more..
On October 04, 2024, the IMDB rating of Mighty Morphin Power Rangers: Lord Zedd's Monster Heads is 6.6/10, Rotten Tomato rating is 0/100, Metacritic rating is 0/100, TMDB rating is 0.0/10.
On October 04, 2024, there were 685 public reaction to Mighty Morphin Power Rangers: Lord Zedd's Monster Heads including tortuously slow, based on movieverse, dumbfounded, crappy CG, final insult.