The Amazing Mr. Arsh
2014-09-01 |
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The Amazing Mr. Ash is a documentary short that follows the life and times of Ashod Baboorian, a beloved and eccentric Chicago-area magician. Mr. Ash, along with his wife Bonnie, have owned and operated Ash's Magic Shop on Western Avenue since 1985. The business is a veritable landmark in the Lincoln Square neighborhood, and is one of the last remaining magic shops in the city. At 74 years old, Mr. Ash has a storied history as an Iraqi-Armenian emigrant, a US army draftee, a country-western singer, and of course as a world famous magician.
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The Amazing Mr. Arsh FAQ
The release date of The Amazing Mr. Arsh is September 01, 2014.
The casts of The Amazing Mr. Arsh are Ashod Baboorian starring as Himself, Bonnie Baboorian starring as Herself.
The Amazing Mr. Ash is a documentary short that follows the life and times of Ashod Baboorian, a beloved and eccentric Chicago-area magician. Mr. Ash, along with his wife Bonnie, have owned and operated Ash's Magic Shop on Western Avenue since 1985. The business is a veritable landmark in the Lincoln Square neighborhood, and is one of the last remaining magic shops in the city. At 74 years old, Mr. Ash has a storied history as an Iraqi-Armenian emigrant, a US army draftee, a country-western singer, and of course as a world famous magician..
On October 04, 2024, the IMDB rating of The Amazing Mr. Arsh is 0.0/10, Rotten Tomato rating is 0/100, Metacritic rating is 0/100, TMDB rating is 0.0/10.
The director of The Amazing Mr. Arsh is Brian Gersten.
The runtime of The Amazing Mr. Arsh is 12 minutes.
On October 04, 2024, there were 940 public reaction to The Amazing Mr. Arsh including disappearing acting, Spaghetti Western, bouncy, horse opera, jaunty.