A Sweet Revenge
1909-11-18 | Drama
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After being jilted for another, a woman sends her lover's old letters to the new fiancée and looks forward to the reaction. But when she spots her old lover's glove left behind, she has a change of heart and repents.
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“ For Valentine's Day ”
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“ Deformed ”
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“ Dry Dialogue ”
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“ Low-Key Approach ”
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“ For Edification ”
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A Sweet Revenge FAQ
On October 04, 2024, there were 701 public reaction to A Sweet Revenge including for Valentine's Day, deformed, dry dialogue, low-key approach, for edification.
After being jilted for another, a woman sends her lover's old letters to the new fiancée and looks forward to the reaction. But when she spots her old lover's glove left behind, she has a change of heart and repents..
The runtime of A Sweet Revenge is 5 minutes.
The release date of A Sweet Revenge is November 18, 1909.
The genre of A Sweet Revenge is Drama.
The certification of A Sweet Revenge is NR.
The casts of A Sweet Revenge are Arthur V. Johnson starring as Paul Hiller, Marion Leonard starring as Paul's Fiancee - The Jilted One, Jeanie Macpherson starring as Alice Baross - 2nd Fiancee, Frank Powell starring as Alice's Father, Robert Harron starring as On the Bridge, Mary Pickford starring as .
The director of A Sweet Revenge is D.W. Griffith.
On October 04, 2024, the IMDB rating of A Sweet Revenge is 6.2/10, Rotten Tomato rating is 0/100, Metacritic rating is 0/100, TMDB rating is 0.0/10.