For Those Who Hunt the Wounded Down
1996-01-01 | TV Movie / Thriller
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Jerry Bines is trying to live down a past that includes killing a man (in self-defence), theft and an alcoholic, abusive father. He sees hope for redemption by providing life-giving bone marrow to his leukemia-stricken son. But time is running out because an escaped killer (Gary Percy Rils) is coming to town to exact revenge for ancient sins. And like the old buck in a backwoods tale he spins for his kid, Bines must stop running and turn to face his hunter.
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For Those Who Hunt the Wounded Down FAQ
Jerry Bines is trying to live down a past that includes killing a man (in self-defence), theft and an alcoholic, abusive father. He sees hope for redemption by providing life-giving bone marrow to his leukemia-stricken son. But time is running out because an escaped killer (Gary Percy Rils) is coming to town to exact revenge for ancient sins. And like the old buck in a backwoods tale he spins for his kid, Bines must stop running and turn to face his hunter..
The genre of For Those Who Hunt the Wounded Down is TV Movie,Thriller.
The director of For Those Who Hunt the Wounded Down is Norma Bailey.
On October 04, 2024, there were 1742 public reaction to For Those Who Hunt the Wounded Down including prosaic, immoral acting, lumberjack, formidable villain, nightmarish visual.
The casts of For Those Who Hunt the Wounded Down are Callum Keith Rennie starring as Jerry Bines, Brooke Johnson starring as Loretta, Brent Stait starring as Gary Percy Rils, Niklas Konowal starring as Willi, Michael Hogan starring as Alvin, Nancy Beatty starring as Franny.
On October 04, 2024, the IMDB rating of For Those Who Hunt the Wounded Down is 8.4/10, Rotten Tomato rating is 0/100, Metacritic rating is 0/100, TMDB rating is 0.0/10.
The runtime of For Those Who Hunt the Wounded Down is 90 minutes.
The release date of For Those Who Hunt the Wounded Down is January 01, 1996.