A Windigo Tale
2010-01-01 |
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Two stories woven together, one profoundly affecting the other. A Native Canadian grandfather drives north accompanied by his grandson, a youth-at-risk, who comes to learn about the dark secrets of his family and community: in an isolated village an estranged mother and daughter must reunite to exorcise the voracious Windigo spirit tied to a painful past. Taking its inspiration from Ojibway spirituality and from the history of the residential school system, where generations of children were forcibly taken from their families and aggressively assimilated into Euro-Canadian society.
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454 Movie prompts Related to A Windigo Tale
Maimovie AI learns movie taste from social media, search keywords, and other diverse crowd data. As a result, our AI has characterized this movie with the following movie tastes:
Awards from the Crowd
454 prompts ranked by the crowd
Ranked #2561
Ranked #5716
Ranked #7055
Acting & Cast
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Based on the crowd’s live-updated social data, the following movie tastes represent the featured crew of the movie, A Windigo Tale:
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“ Despicable Acting ”
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Acting & Cast
“ Heinous Acting ”
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Acting & Cast
“ Taskmaster ”
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“ Downright Frightening ”
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“ Mainstream ”
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Concept & Idea
A Windigo Tale FAQ
The runtime of A Windigo Tale is 92 minutes.
On October 04, 2024, there were 454 public reaction to A Windigo Tale including despicable acting, heinous acting, taskmaster, downright frightening, mainstream.
Two stories woven together, one profoundly affecting the other. A Native Canadian grandfather drives north accompanied by his grandson, a youth-at-risk, who comes to learn about the dark secrets of his family and community: in an isolated village an estranged mother and daughter must reunite to exorcise the voracious Windigo spirit tied to a painful past. Taking its inspiration from Ojibway spirituality and from the history of the residential school system, where generations of children were forcibly taken from their families and aggressively assimilated into Euro-Canadian society..
On October 04, 2024, the IMDB rating of A Windigo Tale is 5.7/10, Rotten Tomato rating is 0/100, Metacritic rating is 0/100, TMDB rating is 0.0/10.
The release date of A Windigo Tale is January 01, 2010.