Alex's Wedding
2003-06-04 | Documentary
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Chronicle of a rather particular afternoon during which the lives of three people change dramatically: Alex, the husband, goes to his in-laws' to bring home his second wife. Elise, Alex's childhood sweetheart and first wife, accompanies him--as she must, according to tradition. And Josephine, the young bride, leaves her parents to begin a new life.
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“ Broke The Fourth Wall ”
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Alex's Wedding FAQ
The genre of Alex's Wedding is Documentary.
The runtime of Alex's Wedding is 46 minutes.
The director of Alex's Wedding is Jean-Marie Téno.
The release date of Alex's Wedding is June 04, 2003.
On October 04, 2024, the IMDB rating of Alex's Wedding is 5.0/10, Rotten Tomato rating is 0/100, Metacritic rating is 0/100, TMDB rating is 6.0/10.
On October 04, 2024, there were 650 public reaction to Alex's Wedding including broke the fourth wall, with marital problems, chilling, proper perspective, for Catholic contemplation.
The casts of Alex's Wedding are Alexandre Fotso starring as Self, Elise Fotso starring as Self, Josephine Fotso starring as Self.
Chronicle of a rather particular afternoon during which the lives of three people change dramatically: Alex, the husband, goes to his in-laws' to bring home his second wife. Elise, Alex's childhood sweetheart and first wife, accompanies him--as she must, according to tradition. And Josephine, the young bride, leaves her parents to begin a new life..