2009-01-01 | Drama / Horror
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Ominous, a super natural thriller inspired by actual events. When the Callahan’soff for a peaceful family vacation in the mountains, they never expected their personal demons to follow them. When the children discover a paranormal presence in the secluded cabin, two generations of secrets will be revealed and the lives of the living as well as the dead will be changed forever.
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Ominous FAQ
The director of Ominous is Justin Bergonzoni.
Ominous, a super natural thriller inspired by actual events. When the Callahan’soff for a peaceful family vacation in the mountains, they never expected their personal demons to follow them. When the children discover a paranormal presence in the secluded cabin, two generations of secrets will be revealed and the lives of the living as well as the dead will be changed forever..
The genre of Ominous is Drama,Horror,Thriller.
The release date of Ominous is January 01, 2009.
On October 04, 2024, the IMDB rating of Ominous is 3.3/10, Rotten Tomato rating is 0/100, Metacritic rating is 0/100, TMDB rating is 4.0/10.
On October 04, 2024, there were 2891 public reaction to Ominous including heinous acting, nearly unbearable, torturous, boring and repetitive, mischievous.
The casts of Ominous are Sean Patrick Flaherty starring as Gavan Callahan, Joseph Anthony Jette starring as Mitch Callahan, Elizabeth Purdy starring as Christina Callahan, Melissa Salinas starring as Sara Callahan, Nick Wolf starring as Scott Callahan.
The runtime of Ominous is 84 minutes.