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1965-12-10 | Drama
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Sati, who is forced into marriage by her poor parents with a rich ugly old man living with a concubine. She find the other way to overcome the mishap in her life, when a young neighbor Nath develops love interest with her. Both finally leaves the village and escape to Cuttack town. The conservative neighbors question about their relationship. Sati, unable to bear the scandal concerning her and Nath, finally commits suicide by jumping into the river.

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Positive 67%
Negative 33%

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Malajahna FAQ

The release date of Malajahna is December 10, 1965.
Sati, who is forced into marriage by her poor parents with a rich ugly old man living with a concubine. She find the other way to overcome the mishap in her life, when a young neighbor Nath develops love interest with her. Both finally leaves the village and escape to Cuttack town. The conservative neighbors question about their relationship. Sati, unable to bear the scandal concerning her and Nath, finally commits suicide by jumping into the river..
The director of Malajahna is Nitai Palit.
The runtime of Malajahna is 164 minutes.
On May 13, 2024, the IMDB rating of Malajahna is 7.1/10, Rotten Tomato rating is 0/100, Metacritic rating is 0/100, TMDB rating is 0.0/10.
On May 13, 2024, there were 407 public reaction to Malajahna including soul-crushing, nearly unbearable, halting acting, most devastating, endurance test.
The casts of Malajahna are Jharana Das starring as Sati, Geeta Dutt starring as Nishi, Akshaya Mohanty Kashyap starring as Nath, Manimala Devi starring as Sati's Mother.