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Let's Go in Good Spirits

1941-05-01 | Drama
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In the movies of those times, you can see young boys in the company scene often. Those boys were called kyuji (給仕), which means “waiter” literally. They are doing odd jobs in the company including serving tea, ushering visitors, buying tobacco, etc. Ordering lunch for the individual requests was also an important job. Those boys were hired often as soon as they graduated from elementary school.

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Let's Go in Good Spirits FAQ

In the movies of those times, you can see young boys in the company scene often. Those boys were called kyuji (給仕), which means “waiter” literally. They are doing odd jobs in the company including serving tea, ushering visitors, buying tobacco, etc. Ordering lunch for the individual requests was also an important job. Those boys were hired often as soon as they graduated from elementary school..
The casts of Let's Go in Good Spirits are Shūji Sano starring as , Ken Uehara starring as , Mieko Takamine starring as , Kinuyo Tanaka starring as , Michiko Kuwano starring as , Shin Saburi starring as .
The runtime of Let's Go in Good Spirits is 89 minutes.
The genre of Let's Go in Good Spirits is Drama.
On May 13, 2024, the IMDB rating of Let's Go in Good Spirits is 0.0/10, Rotten Tomato rating is 0/100, Metacritic rating is 0/100, TMDB rating is 0.0/10.
The release date of Let's Go in Good Spirits is May 01, 1941.
The director of Let's Go in Good Spirits is Hiromasa Nomura.