Queen of Cactus Cove
2005-12-11 | Comedy
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Teenage chess champ Billie (Alia Shawkat) faces the prospect of defeat for the first time when she faces her best friend (Alex Frost) at the biggest chess tournament of her career.
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Queen of Cactus Cove FAQ
The casts of Queen of Cactus Cove are Alia Shawkat starring as Billie, Alex Frost starring as Achak, Jill Andre starring as Evelyn, Marilyn Rising starring as Nina, Linda Porter starring as Mrs. Wadsworth, Ryan Freeman starring as Tom.
Teenage chess champ Billie (Alia Shawkat) faces the prospect of defeat for the first time when she faces her best friend (Alex Frost) at the biggest chess tournament of her career..
The director of Queen of Cactus Cove is Anna Christopher.
On October 04, 2024, there were 840 public reaction to Queen of Cactus Cove including rocking, with exaggerated facial expression, universal cast, all-star cast, humorous dialogue.
The genre of Queen of Cactus Cove is Comedy.
The release date of Queen of Cactus Cove is December 11, 2005.
The runtime of Queen of Cactus Cove is 22 minutes.
On October 04, 2024, the IMDB rating of Queen of Cactus Cove is 7.5/10, Rotten Tomato rating is 0/100, Metacritic rating is 0/100, TMDB rating is 0.0/10.