In Dangerous Minds
2016-11-11 | Action / Drama
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Two middle eastern detectives on the Louisville Police Department struggle with the aftermath of a Post 9/11 America. Director
Hussain Ahmad
Hussain Ahmad
Hussain AhmadInder KumarErik Kyr
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Ranked #22225
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“ Pernicious ”
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“ Cockamamie ”
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“ Well Choreographed ”
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“ Proper Perspective ”
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“ Heinous Acting ”
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Acting & Cast
In Dangerous Minds FAQ
The runtime of In Dangerous Minds is 90 minutes.
The release date of In Dangerous Minds is November 11, 2016.
The casts of In Dangerous Minds are Hussain Ahmad starring as , James Tackett starring as , Erik Kyr starring as , Inder Kumar starring as , Shawn Alli starring as .
Two middle eastern detectives on the Louisville Police Department struggle with the aftermath of a Post 9/11 America. Director
Hussain Ahmad
Hussain Ahmad
Hussain AhmadInder KumarErik Kyr.
The genre of In Dangerous Minds is Action,Drama.
The director of In Dangerous Minds is Hussain Ahmad.
On October 04, 2024, there were 1269 public reaction to In Dangerous Minds including pernicious, cockamamie, well choreographed, proper perspective, heinous acting.