Key visual of TAMARO. Stones and Angels. Mario Botta Enzo Cucchi

TAMARO. Stones and Angels. Mario Botta Enzo Cucchi

1998-10-13 | Documentary
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Between the 1980s and 1990s, architect Mario Botta and painter Enzo Cucchi turned a common utopia into reality, engaging their respective imaginations to construct and decorate the chapel on Monte Tamaro, Ticino, 1,600 meters above sea level. Brimming with evocative elements, Villi Hermann’s documentary investigates the sacredness of a shared creative process in profound dialogue with nature.

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TAMARO. Stones and Angels. Mario Botta Enzo Cucchi FAQ

The genre of TAMARO. Stones and Angels. Mario Botta Enzo Cucchi is Documentary.
The director of TAMARO. Stones and Angels. Mario Botta Enzo Cucchi is Villi Hermann.
The release date of TAMARO. Stones and Angels. Mario Botta Enzo Cucchi is October 13, 1998.
Between the 1980s and 1990s, architect Mario Botta and painter Enzo Cucchi turned a common utopia into reality, engaging their respective imaginations to construct and decorate the chapel on Monte Tamaro, Ticino, 1,600 meters above sea level. Brimming with evocative elements, Villi Hermann’s documentary investigates the sacredness of a shared creative process in profound dialogue with nature..
On May 13, 2024, there were 308 public reaction to TAMARO. Stones and Angels. Mario Botta Enzo Cucchi including curved plot, Art Deco, semiotic topic, steampunk, less satisfying.
On May 13, 2024, the IMDB rating of TAMARO. Stones and Angels. Mario Botta Enzo Cucchi is 6.7/10, Rotten Tomato rating is 0/100, Metacritic rating is 0/100, TMDB rating is 0.0/10.