![Key visual of The Puppet](https://image.maimovie.com/t/p/w500/g2jK3hnf63l0QXWzezH5HQuK0RF.jpg)
The Puppet
2021-09-26 | Horror
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Trapped in an abandoned royal palace, a young prince must confront the unsettling secrets of his family’s past, escape evil forces and battle dark magic in order to survive.
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Ranked #148 / 14,673 Movies
Ranked #362 / 7,795 Movies
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“ Mythology Extending ”
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Concept & Idea
“ Grotesque Visual ”
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“ Melodious Song ”
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Visual & Sound
“ Cheap Jump Scares ”
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“ Cohesive ”
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The Puppet FAQ
On October 04, 2024, the IMDB rating of The Puppet is 6.5/10, Rotten Tomato rating is 0/100, Metacritic rating is 0/100, TMDB rating is 0.0/10.
The director of The Puppet is Veemsen Lama.
Trapped in an abandoned royal palace, a young prince must confront the unsettling secrets of his family’s past, escape evil forces and battle dark magic in order to survive..
The genre of The Puppet is Horror.
The runtime of The Puppet is 118 minutes.
The release date of The Puppet is September 26, 2021.
On October 04, 2024, there were 2840 public reaction to The Puppet including mythology extending, grotesque visual, melodious song, cheap jump scares, cohesive.
The casts of The Puppet are Karma Shakya starring as Akash, Shilpa Maskey starring as , Subarna Thapa starring as Shivendra, Mithila Sharma starring as Budi Amai, Gauri Malla starring as Queen, Bhishma Joshi starring as Suresh.