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Prema Geema Jane Do

2016-11-02 |
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Prema Geema Jaane Do is a soft romantic comedy. The movie is about the protagonist setting up a journey to a new place and meeting new people. Why he hates love and what is in his past forms the main crux of the story.

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Prema Geema Jane Do FAQ

The director of Prema Geema Jane Do is Kenja Chethan Kumar, the writer is Kenja Chethan Kumar.
The runtime of Prema Geema Jane Do is 114 minutes.
On April 29, 2024, there were 321 public reaction to Prema Geema Jane Do including fresh breeze, relatively fresh, refreshing break, special kudos, anyone must watch.
The casts of Prema Geema Jane Do are Gowtham Ghatke starring as , Pallavi Gowda starring as , Sheetal Shetty starring as , Ramesh Bhat starring as , Mandeep Roy starring as , Shruthi Thimmaiah starring as .
On April 29, 2024, the IMDB rating of Prema Geema Jane Do is 8.4/10, Rotten Tomato rating is 0/100, Metacritic rating is 0/100, TMDB rating is 0.0/10.
Prema Geema Jaane Do is a soft romantic comedy. The movie is about the protagonist setting up a journey to a new place and meeting new people. Why he hates love and what is in his past forms the main crux of the story..