2021-12-04 | Family
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A metaphor for child predators and their grooming patterns, Chums is about Mack, a young girl brushed aside by her mom after she sneakily surprises her during a phone call. Left essentially unsupervised in an aquarium, she begins to follow her only friend Mega, a massive tiger shark, into the top of his tank.
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Ranked #18607
Ranked #24781
Ranked #29801
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Ranked #31,706 / 37,398 Movies
Ranked #37,678 / 101,543 Movies
Ranked #57,394 / 99,360 Movies
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“ Rotoscoping ”
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“ Photorealistic ”
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“ Antsy ”
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“ Religious Imagery ”
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“ Like A Mirror ”
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Chums FAQ
The runtime of Chums is 2 minutes.
A metaphor for child predators and their grooming patterns, Chums is about Mack, a young girl brushed aside by her mom after she sneakily surprises her during a phone call. Left essentially unsupervised in an aquarium, she begins to follow her only friend Mega, a massive tiger shark, into the top of his tank..
On October 04, 2024, there were 288 public reaction to Chums including rotoscoping, photorealistic, antsy, religious imagery, like a mirror.
On October 04, 2024, the IMDB rating of Chums is 0.0/10, Rotten Tomato rating is 0/100, Metacritic rating is 0/100, TMDB rating is 0.0/10.
The casts of Chums are Daniel Amerman starring as Mega, Katia Peel starring as Mack.
The genre of Chums is Family.
The director of Chums is Olivia Perkins.
The release date of Chums is December 04, 2021.