Key visual of Les malheurs de monsieur Ducornard

Les malheurs de monsieur Ducornard

1906-12-15 | Comedy
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When the story begins, a man is called out of town after receiving some sort of letter. On his way to the train station, all sorts of problems happen. First, a man knocks him down and threatens him (you later find it is the wife's lover coming to see her as her husband leaves), his carriage loses a wheel, a group of women beat him up for no particular reason, he crashes into a table at a cafe and the patrons attack and much, much more. In the end, he misses his train and returns home...only to find burglars in his home and the pair tie him up. What could possibly happen next??

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Positive 72%
Negative 28%

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Les malheurs de monsieur Ducornard FAQ

The release date of Les malheurs de monsieur Ducornard is December 15, 1906.
The genre of Les malheurs de monsieur Ducornard is Comedy.
On May 14, 2024, there were 801 public reaction to Les malheurs de monsieur Ducornard including soulful music, riotous, madcap comedy, desperately hoping, going terribly wrong.
On May 14, 2024, the IMDB rating of Les malheurs de monsieur Ducornard is 4.7/10, Rotten Tomato rating is 0/100, Metacritic rating is 0/100, TMDB rating is 0.0/10.
The runtime of Les malheurs de monsieur Ducornard is 7 minutes.