Peak: The Rescuers
2011-05-07 | Drama
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Shimazaki Sanpo is an experienced mountain climber and rescue team volunteer. Sanpo loves the mountains and wants as many people as possible to experience everything they have to offer so much so that he never holds a grudge against anyone for causing an accident due to their own negligence. Even if a fellow rescuer dies, he's the kind of man who can look toward the corpse and say "You did your best." One spring, newcomer Shiina Kumi is assigned to the Nagano prefecture mountain rescue team where she experiences growth thanks to Sanpo's guidance and the seemingly harsh training methods of the team's captain, Noda. However, she becomes depressed when she's unable to translate her skills to a real-life situation. As her confidence wanes, multiple accidents occur simultaneously due to a mountain blizzard, forcing the entire team into action.
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Peak: The Rescuers FAQ
The genre of Peak: The Rescuers is Drama.
The director of Peak: The Rescuers is Osamu Katayama.
The release date of Peak: The Rescuers is May 07, 2011.
The runtime of Peak: The Rescuers is 126 minutes.
On October 04, 2024, there were 1175 public reaction to Peak: The Rescuers including gut-punch, with emotional wallops, seriously flawed, MTV style editing, underdog.
Shimazaki Sanpo is an experienced mountain climber and rescue team volunteer. Sanpo loves the mountains and wants as many people as possible to experience everything they have to offer so much so that he never holds a grudge against anyone for causing an accident due to their own negligence. Even if a fellow rescuer dies, he's the kind of man who can look toward the corpse and say "You did your best." One spring, newcomer Shiina Kumi is assigned to the Nagano prefecture mountain rescue team where she experiences growth thanks to Sanpo's guidance and the seemingly harsh training methods of the team's captain, Noda. However, she becomes depressed when she's unable to translate her skills to a real-life situation. As her confidence wanes, multiple accidents occur simultaneously due to a mountain blizzard, forcing the entire team into action..
On October 04, 2024, the IMDB rating of Peak: The Rescuers is 6.1/10, Rotten Tomato rating is 0/100, Metacritic rating is 0/100, TMDB rating is 6.0/10.
The casts of Peak: The Rescuers are Shun Oguri starring as Sanpo Shimazaki, Masami Nagasawa starring as Kumi Shiina, Kuranosuke Sasaki starring as Masato Noda, Takuya Ishida starring as Toshio Akutsu, Yoshie Ichige starring as Ayako Tanimura, Atsuro Watabe starring as Hidenori Maki.