Kill the Poor
2003-05-09 | Drama
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When a marriage of convenience becomes the real thing, Joe moves his pregnant French wife to a tenement building on New York's Lower East Side. The street is like a war zone with none of the nostalgic appeal that Joe remembers from tales of his immigrant grandparents arriving in the same neighborhood with a new life. This is the urban frontier filled with comic mixture of gentrifies, homeboys, dealers and local residents simply bent on staying a float
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Kill the Poor FAQ
The casts of Kill the Poor are Clara Bellar starring as Annabelle Peltz, Heather Burns starring as Scarlet, Jon Budinoff starring as Segundo Dejesus, Paul Calderon starring as Carlos DeJesus, Lawrence Gilliard Jr. starring as Spike, Cliff Gorman starring as Yakov.
The certification of Kill the Poor is NR.
On October 04, 2024, the IMDB rating of Kill the Poor is 5.2/10, Rotten Tomato rating is 25/100, Metacritic rating is 52/100, TMDB rating is 5.0/10.
The genre of Kill the Poor is Drama.
When a marriage of convenience becomes the real thing, Joe moves his pregnant French wife to a tenement building on New York's Lower East Side. The street is like a war zone with none of the nostalgic appeal that Joe remembers from tales of his immigrant grandparents arriving in the same neighborhood with a new life. This is the urban frontier filled with comic mixture of gentrifies, homeboys, dealers and local residents simply bent on staying a float.
The release date of Kill the Poor is May 09, 2003.
On October 04, 2024, there were 1114 public reaction to Kill the Poor including juicy, elaborately staged, mystified, like Knives Out, razor-sharp editing.
The full version of Kill the Poor is provided by
Amazon Video
The runtime of Kill the Poor is 85 minutes.
The director of Kill the Poor is Alan Taylor.