Top rated movies with quick and witty dialogue that have wasted potential

Check out today’s highest ranked movies with quick and witty dialogue and wasted potential! Looking for the greatest movies of all times? Here is the list of the best movies with quick and witty dialogue and wasted potential, based on the crowd's interest and popular searches from the country.

1 Triggered (2020)

Nine friends, all harboring a dark secret, go camping in the woods. After a wild night of partying, they wake up with suicide bombs strapped to their chests, all with varying times on their countdown clocks. They decide to work out how to disarm the bombs or find help - until they discover they can 'take' one another's time by killing each other.


2020-08-28 | Horror / Action


Liesl Ahlers, Reine Swart


rating icon 5.388
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People's Taste Ranking

  1. Ranked #1 for
    sheer fun
  2. Ranked #1 for
    stingy character
  3. Ranked #1 for
    intentionally funny


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2 Portal (2019)

When an ambitious ghost hunter performs a risky ritual, opening a portal to "the other side", he and his team quickly find themselves way in over their heads in a fight for survival against an ancient demonic force.


2019-10-15 | Horror / Thriller


Ryan Merriman, Jamie Tisdale


rating icon 4.0
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People's Taste Ranking

  1. Ranked #1 for
    marginally entertaining
  2. Ranked #2 for
  3. Ranked #2 for
    different spin


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3 Cinderella (2021)

Cinderella, an orphaned girl with an evil stepmother, has big dreams and with the help of her Fabulous Godmother, she perseveres to make them come true.


2021-09-03 | Fantasy / Romance


Camila Cabello, Nicholas Galitzine


rating icon 6.374
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People's Taste Ranking

  1. Ranked #1 for
    knight in shining armor
  2. Ranked #1 for
    off-key acting
  3. Ranked #1 for
    fresh take


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4 Agnes (2021)

Rumors of demonic possession at a religious convent prompts a church investigation into the strange goings-on among its nuns. A disaffected priest and his neophyte are confronted with temptation, bloodshed and a crisis of faith.


2021-12-10 | Horror / Drama


Molly C. Quinn, Jake Horowitz


rating icon 4.175
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People's Taste Ranking

  1. Ranked #2 for
    sound promising
  2. Ranked #3 for
  3. Ranked #3 for


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5 The Owners (2020)

A group of friends think they found the perfect easy score - an empty house with a safe full of cash. But when the elderly couple that lives there comes home early, the tables are suddenly turned. As a deadly game of cat and mouse ensues, the would-be thieves must fight to save themselves from a nightmare they could never have imagined.


2020-08-27 | Horror / Mystery


Maisie Williams, Sylvester McCoy


rating icon 5.639
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People's Taste Ranking

  1. Ranked #1 for
    uncreative story
  2. Ranked #1 for
  3. Ranked #1 for
    kind of weird


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6 Late Night (2019)

A legendary late-night talk show host's world is turned upside down when she hires her only female staff writer. Originally intended to smooth over diversity concerns, her decision has unexpectedly hilarious consequences as the two women separated by culture and generation are united by their love of a biting punchline.


2019-01-25 | Comedy / Drama


Emma Thompson, Mindy Kaling


rating icon 6.428
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People's Taste Ranking

  1. Ranked #1 for
    for Friday night
  2. Ranked #1 for
    talented writer
  3. Ranked #1 for
    couple of chuckles


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7 The Munsters (2022)

Lily is a typical 150-year-old lovelorn vampire who's looking for the man of her nightmares -- until she lays her eyes on Herman, a 7-foot-tall green experiment with a heart of gold. It's love at first shock as these two ghouls fall fangs over feet for each other in a Transylvanian romance. Unfortunately, it's not all smooth sailing in the cemetery as Lily's father has other plans for his beloved daughter's future, and they don't involve her new bumbling beau.


2022-09-27 | Comedy / Fantasy


Jeff Daniel Phillips, Sheri Moon Zombie


rating icon 5.729
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People's Taste Ranking

  1. Ranked #1 for
    campy fun
  2. Ranked #1 for
    comic-book-like editing
  3. Ranked #1 for
    kitschy editing


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8 Hoodwinked Too! Hood VS. Evil (2011)

Red Riding Hood is training in the group of Sister Hoods, when she and the Wolf are called to examine the sudden mysterious disappearance of Hansel and Gretel.


2011-04-29 | Comedy / Animation


Hayden Panettiere, Bill Hader


rating icon 5.13
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People's Taste Ranking

  1. Ranked #51 for
  2. Ranked #224 for
  3. Ranked #224 for


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9 Stockholm (2019)

Based on the extraordinary true story of the European city’s 1973 bank heist and hostage crisis that was documented in the 1974 New Yorker article “The Bank Drama” by Daniel Lang. The events grasped the world’s attention when the hostages bonded with their captors and turned against the authorities, giving rise to the psychological phenomenon known as “Stockholm Syndrome.”


2019-04-12 | Crime / Comedy


Ethan Hawke, Noomi Rapace


rating icon 5.864
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People's Taste Ranking

  1. Ranked #1 for
  2. Ranked #1 for
    surprisingly sympathetic
  3. Ranked #1 for
    with dramatic moments


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10 Persuasion (2022)

Living with her snobby family on the brink of bankruptcy, Anne Elliot is an unconforming woman with modern sensibilities. When Frederick Wentworth - the dashing one she once sent away - crashes back into her life, Anne must choose between putting the past behind her or listening to her heart when it comes to second chances.


2022-07-01 | Romance / Drama


Dakota Johnson, Cosmo Jarvis


rating icon 6.005
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People's Taste Ranking

  1. Ranked #1 for
    faithful adaptation
  2. Ranked #1 for
    snarky lines
  3. Ranked #1 for
    like Pride & Prejudice


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According to the review analysis on Maimovie, movies in Top rated movies with quick and witty dialogue that have wasted potential list are rated as cornball, fresh take, unique take, fresh perspective, anachronistic, original take, recipe for success, implacable, sheer fun, unintentional.
We collect all existing reviews on the web for all movies and proceed machine learning to calculate the A.I. ranking. It ranks the movies while automatically updating new information every week.
Using Taste search, Maimovie provides a unique system which helps you search for specific results through phrases that are collected from movie reviews and information from various movie databases. You can look for movies with phrases such as “adrenaline pumping movies” or “unexpected plot twist of all time.” The Maimovie application’s database covers movie information from all 540K+ movies and connects you to all 74+ available streaming services.