Top rated movies with wholly unique cast that have a simplistic view

Check out today’s highest ranked movies with wholly unique cast and a simplistic view! Looking for the greatest movies of all times? Here is the list of the best movies with wholly unique cast and a simplistic view, based on the crowd's interest and popular searches from the country.

1 Three Thousand Years of Longing (2022)

A solitary scholar discovers an ancient bottle while on a trip to Istanbul and unleashes a djinn who offers her three wishes. Filled with reluctance, she is unable to come up with one, so the djinn tries to inspire her with his stories.


2022-08-24 | Drama / Fantasy


Tilda Swinton, Idris Elba


rating icon 6.886
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People's Taste Ranking

  1. Ranked #1 for
    innocence and desire
  2. Ranked #1 for
  3. Ranked #1 for
    old-fashioned story


Three Thousand Years of Longing trailer
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2 Bacurau (2019)

Bacurau, a small town in the Brazilian sertão, mourns the loss of its matriarch, Carmelita, who lived to be 94. Days later, its inhabitants notice that their community has vanished from most maps.


2019-08-29 | Mystery / Western


Bárbara Colen, Thomas Aquino


rating icon 7.68
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People's Taste Ranking

  1. Ranked #1 for
  2. Ranked #2 for
  3. Ranked #2 for


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3 Daddy Issues (2019)

Maya, a 19 year old queer pixie, gets romantically involved with her sexually fluid insta-crush and unknowingly inserts herself into a twisted love triangle.


2019-04-19 | Drama


Madison Lawlor, Montana Manning


rating icon 4.5
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People's Taste Ranking

  1. Ranked #2 for
    glittery imagery
  2. Ranked #3 for
    neat little package
  3. Ranked #3 for
    sexual fantasy


Daddy Issues trailer
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4 Flee (2021)

Recounted mostly through animation to protect his identity, Amin looks back over his past as a child refugee from Afghanistan as he grapples with a secret he’s kept hidden for 20 years.


2021-06-17 | Documentary / Animation


Amin Nawabi, Daniel Karimyar


rating icon 7.787
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People's Taste Ranking

  1. Ranked #1 for
    intermixed plot
  2. Ranked #2 for
    great cinematic achievement
  3. Ranked #2 for
    never faltering


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5 History of the Occult (2020)

During the last broadcast of 60 Minutes Before Midnight, the most watched journalistic program on television, Adrián Marcato could expose a conspiracy and link the government to a obscure secret society.


2020-01-13 | Drama / Horror


Héctor Ostrovsky, Nadia Lozano


rating icon 6.728
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People's Taste Ranking

  1. Ranked #1 for
    can't make heads or tails
  2. Ranked #1 for
    sustaining tension
  3. Ranked #1 for
    stylistic element


History of the Occult trailer
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6 Sisu (2022)

When an ex-soldier who discovers gold in the Lapland wilderness tries to take the loot into the city, German soldiers led by a brutal SS officer battle him.


2022-09-09 | Action / War


Jorma Tommila, Aksel Hennie


rating icon 7.5
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People's Taste Ranking

  1. Ranked #1 for
    indefatigable character
  2. Ranked #2 for
    ridiculously over the top
  3. Ranked #2 for


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7 Censor (2021)

A film screener at the BBFC, who has earned an unsavory reputation for being the strictest censor of violent films, begins to spiral out of control after viewing a low budget horror movie with similarities to the disappearance of her sister.


2021-06-11 | Horror / Mystery


Niamh Algar, Michael Smiley


rating icon 5.826
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People's Taste Ranking

  1. Ranked #1 for
  2. Ranked #1 for
    severe editing
  3. Ranked #1 for
    going bonkers


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8 Fanny Lye Deliver'd (2021)

On an isolated English farm in 1657, Fanny lives a quiet life with her oppressive husband John and their young son. One day their life is rocked with the arrival of young couple Thomas and Rebecca who claim to have been robbed and need a place to stay. But are these strangers really who they say they are?


2021-07-29 | Drama / History


Maxine Peake, Charles Dance


rating icon 6.667
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People's Taste Ranking

  1. Ranked #1 for
  2. Ranked #1 for
    shattering climax
  3. Ranked #1 for
    two thumbs up


Fanny Lye Deliver'd trailer
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9 The Northman (2022)

Prince Amleth is on the verge of becoming a man when his father is brutally murdered by his uncle, who kidnaps the boy's mother. Two decades later, Amleth is now a Viking who's on a mission to save his mother, kill his uncle and avenge his father.


2022-04-07 | Action / Adventure


Alexander Skarsgård, Nicole Kidman


rating icon 7.1
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People's Taste Ranking

  1. Ranked #1 for
  2. Ranked #2 for
  3. Ranked #2 for
    epic feeling


The Northman trailer
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10 The Tragedy of Macbeth (2021)

Macbeth, the Thane of Glamis, receives a prophecy from a trio of witches that one day he will become King of Scotland. Consumed by ambition and spurred to action by his wife, Macbeth murders his king and takes the throne for himself.


2021-12-05 | Drama / War


Denzel Washington, Frances McDormand


rating icon 6.953
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People's Taste Ranking

  1. Ranked #1 for
    atmospheric photography
  2. Ranked #1 for
    low-light camera work
  3. Ranked #1 for
    shakespearean actor


The Tragedy of Macbeth trailer
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According to the review analysis on Maimovie, movies in Top rated movies with wholly unique cast that have a simplistic view list are rated as absolutely marvelous, mythic, savage, defying, wholly unique cast, fully-formed cast, disoriented, brutal and bloody, moody lighting, turning world upside down.
We collect all existing reviews on the web for all movies and proceed machine learning to calculate the A.I. ranking. It ranks the movies while automatically updating new information every week.
Using Taste search, Maimovie provides a unique system which helps you search for specific results through phrases that are collected from movie reviews and information from various movie databases. You can look for movies with phrases such as “adrenaline pumping movies” or “unexpected plot twist of all time.” The Maimovie application’s database covers movie information from all 540K+ movies and connects you to all 74+ available streaming services.