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Zehu Ze

Comedy | 26 Seasons | Returning Series
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Plots of the episodes revolved around different subjects related to life in Israel, fashions like Folk dancing, tributes to classics like Charlie Chaplin movies, or contemporary series like The Simpsons and Dallas.

26 Seasons

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People's review rating

Positive 46%
Negative 54%

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Zehu Ze FAQ

On April 29, 2024, there are 257 reactions to Zehu Ze including playing to hilt, stagey acting, cool dude, incredibly dumb, little shaky camera.
Plots of the episodes revolved around different subjects related to life in Israel, fashions like Folk dancing, tributes to classics like Charlie Chaplin movies, or contemporary series like The Simpsons and Dallas.
The first air date of Zehu Ze is July 02, 1978.
The genre of Zehu Ze is Comedy.
On April 29, 2024, IMDB rating to Zehu Ze is 8.3.
There are Zehu Ze seasons of the 26.