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Amy Prentiss

Drama | 1 Seasons | Ended
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Amy Prentiss is an American police drama television series which aired on NBC. It is a spinoff of Ironside, and aired as part of the NBC Mystery Movie from 1974-1975. Jessica Walter stars as Amy Prentiss, a relatively young investigator who becomes the first female Chief of Detectives for the San Francisco Police Department. Helen Hunt, in an early role, played Prentiss' pre-teen daughter, Jill. Four 2-hour episodes were aired. Guest stars in the series' brief run included William Shatner, Cameron Mitchell, Don Murray, Joyce Van Patten and Jamie Farr.

1 Season

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People's review rating

Positive 49%
Negative 51%

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Television Awards

1 wins 1 nominations
out of 1,656 television awards
  • Primetime Emmy Awards

    Outstanding Lead Actress in a Limited Series


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Amy Prentiss FAQ

The cast of Amy Prentiss are Jessica Walter starring as Amy Prentiss, Helen Hunt starring as Jill Prentiss, Johnny Seven starring as Detective Contreras, Steve Sandor starring as Detective Tony Russell.
The first air date of Amy Prentiss is December 01, 1974.
On May 13, 2024, IMDB rating to Amy Prentiss is 6.3.
There are Amy Prentiss seasons of the 1.
Amy Prentiss is an American police drama television series which aired on NBC. It is a spinoff of Ironside, and aired as part of the NBC Mystery Movie from 1974-1975. Jessica Walter stars as Amy Prentiss, a relatively young investigator who becomes the first female Chief of Detectives for the San Francisco Police Department. Helen Hunt, in an early role, played Prentiss' pre-teen daughter, Jill. Four 2-hour episodes were aired. Guest stars in the series' brief run included William Shatner, Cameron Mitchell, Don Murray, Joyce Van Patten and Jamie Farr.
On May 13, 2024, there are 364 reactions to Amy Prentiss including snippy dialogue, plain bad, scathing, too convoluted, stretched imagination.