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Apple Pie

Comedy | 1 Seasons | Canceled
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Ginger-Nell Hollyhock is a single and lonely hairdresser who lives in Kansas City, Missouri during the Great Depression year of 1933. When Ginger-Nell places classified ads in the local newspapers, she recruits a group of wacky relatives - a con-man husband, Fast Eddie Murtaugh; a tap-dancing daughter, Anna Marie Hollyhock; a son who wanted to fly like a bird, Junior Hollyhock; and a tottering old blind grandfather, Grandpa Hollyhock - all of whom come to live together for the laughs.

2 Seasons

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Negative 17%

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Apple Pie FAQ

Ginger-Nell Hollyhock is a single and lonely hairdresser who lives in Kansas City, Missouri during the Great Depression year of 1933. When Ginger-Nell places classified ads in the local newspapers, she recruits a group of wacky relatives - a con-man husband, Fast Eddie Murtaugh; a tap-dancing daughter, Anna Marie Hollyhock; a son who wanted to fly like a bird, Junior Hollyhock; and a tottering old blind grandfather, Grandpa Hollyhock - all of whom come to live together for the laughs.
There are Apple Pie seasons of the 1.
The genre of Apple Pie is Comedy.
On June 10, 2024, there are 324 reactions to Apple Pie including raising a smile, smiley character, emotional punch, tidying up, in stitches.
The first air date of Apple Pie is September 23, 1978.
The cast of Apple Pie are Rue McClanahan starring as Ginger-Nell Hollyhock, Dabney Coleman starring as Fast Eddie Murtaugh, Jack Gilford starring as Grandpa Hollyhock, Caitlin O'Heaney starring as Anna Marie Hollyhock, Derrel Maury starring as Junior Hollyhock.