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Survivors: Nature's Indestructible Creatures

Documentary | 1 Seasons | Returning Series
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It is estimated that 99 per cent of species have become extinct and there have been times when life's hold on Earth has been so precarious it seems it hangs on by a thread. This series focuses on the survivors - the old-timers - whose biographies stretch back millions of years and who show how it is possible to survive a mass extinction event which wipes out nearly all of its neighbours. The Natural History Museum's professor Richard Fortey discovers what allows the very few to carry on going - perhaps not for ever, but certainly far beyond the life expectancy of normal species. What makes a survivor when all around drop like flies? Professor Fortey travels across the globe to find the survivors of the most dramatic of these obstacles - the mass extinction events.

1 Season

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Survivors: Nature's Indestructible Creatures FAQ

The first air date of Survivors: Nature's Indestructible Creatures is January 24, 2012.
On May 13, 2024, IMDB rating to Survivors: Nature's Indestructible Creatures is 6.4.
The genre of Survivors: Nature's Indestructible Creatures is Documentary.
On May 13, 2024, there are 170 reactions to Survivors: Nature's Indestructible Creatures including Catastrophic, stomach-turning, strident voice, highly questionable, Urban Legend.
The cast of Survivors: Nature's Indestructible Creatures are Richard Fortey starring as Himself - Presenter.
There are Survivors: Nature's Indestructible Creatures seasons of the 1.