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Dear America

Drama, Family | 2 Seasons | Ended
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Based on the best-selling Scholastic books; Dear America features the rich and spirited stories of young women at various turning points in history.

2 Seasons

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Dear America FAQ

There are Dear America seasons of the 2.
On May 13, 2024, there are 269 reactions to Dear America including Medieval, eminently watchable, terribly miscast, entirely believable acting, wonderful cast.
The full version of Dear America is available atprovided by Tubi TV , Redbox , Freevee Amazon Channel , Google Play Movies , Vudu , Amazon Video
The director of Dear America is Deborah Forte.
The certification of Dear America is TV-Y7.
The genre of Dear America is Drama,Family.
Based on the best-selling Scholastic books; Dear America features the rich and spirited stories of young women at various turning points in history.