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365: Repeat the Year

Mystery, Drama | 1 Seasons | Ended
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A story where ten people get the chance to go back in time by one year, but unexpectedly mysterious situations start to arise when their fates are changed and twisted in the process. Ji Hyung Joo is a detective in the violent crimes division. He used to be part of the traffic police but was promoted when he arrested a wanted criminal. It's been seven years since the change, and he's a talented individual who always knows how to relax. Though he is happy at first to have the chance to go back in time by one year and "reset" his life, he begins to search for the truth when a series of mysterious events befall on the group of people he goes back in time with. Based on the Japanese novel, "Repeat"

1 Season

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Negative 41%


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365: Repeat the Year FAQ

On May 13, 2024, IMDB rating to 365: Repeat the Year is 7.9.
The first air date of 365: Repeat the Year is March 23, 2020.
There are 365: Repeat the Year seasons of the 1.
The genre of 365: Repeat the Year is Mystery,Drama.
On May 13, 2024, there are 1382 reactions to 365: Repeat the Year including totally unpredictable, for action thriller fans, perfectly crafted, surprising twist, with good misdirections.
A story where ten people get the chance to go back in time by one year, but unexpectedly mysterious situations start to arise when their fates are changed and twisted in the process. Ji Hyung Joo is a detective in the violent crimes division. He used to be part of the traffic police but was promoted when he arrested a wanted criminal. It's been seven years since the change, and he's a talented individual who always knows how to relax. Though he is happy at first to have the chance to go back in time by one year and "reset" his life, he begins to search for the truth when a series of mysterious events befall on the group of people he goes back in time with. Based on the Japanese novel, "Repeat"