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Kishiryu Sentai Ryusoulger

Action & Adventure, Sci-Fi & Fantasy, Kids | 1 Seasons | Ended
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65 million years ago, the knights of the Ryusoul Tribe were selected to participate in a war campaign against the dictating Druidon Tribe who sought to rule Earth. But the Druidon's war campaign was halted by the meteor that brought the age of the dinosaurs to an end, forcing them to flee into space. Meanwhile, the Kishiryu were placed in a deep sleep as a failsafe should the Druidon return. The chosen knights choose to live in peace while passing their mantle down across generations. In the present day, the Druidon return to reclaim Earth as the current generation of knights, the Ryusoulgers, battle them with the support of Ui Tatsui and her father Naohisa Tatsui.

2 Seasons

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Negative 9%

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Kishiryu Sentai Ryusoulger FAQ

The genre of Kishiryu Sentai Ryusoulger is Action & Adventure,Sci-Fi & Fantasy,Kids.
On April 29, 2024, IMDB rating to Kishiryu Sentai Ryusoulger is 7.5.
There are Kishiryu Sentai Ryusoulger seasons of the 1.
The cast of Kishiryu Sentai Ryusoulger are Hayate Ichinose starring as Koh, Keito Tsuna starring as Melto, Ichika Osaki starring as Asuna, Yuito Obara starring as Towa, Tatsuya Kishida starring as Bamba, Katsumi Hyodo starring as Canalo.
The first air date of Kishiryu Sentai Ryusoulger is March 17, 2019.
65 million years ago, the knights of the Ryusoul Tribe were selected to participate in a war campaign against the dictating Druidon Tribe who sought to rule Earth. But the Druidon's war campaign was halted by the meteor that brought the age of the dinosaurs to an end, forcing them to flee into space. Meanwhile, the Kishiryu were placed in a deep sleep as a failsafe should the Druidon return. The chosen knights choose to live in peace while passing their mantle down across generations. In the present day, the Druidon return to reclaim Earth as the current generation of knights, the Ryusoulgers, battle them with the support of Ui Tatsui and her father Naohisa Tatsui.