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Curse of Akakor

Documentary, Crime | 1 Seasons | Returning Series
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In the 1980's, three explorers set out to find the legendary cities of Akakor and Akahim in the Amazon jungle, but one by one, they disappeared. Now, guided by the legend of Akakor and equipped with the latest technology, an international team of investigators are following in the footsteps of those missing explorers. They're aiming to solve a dual mystery. First, do Akakor and Akahim exist? And second, what happened to those explorers who went missing? Led by Irish investigate journalist, Paul Connolly, the team will include American geologist and explorer Dr. Martin Pepper, Brazilian wilderness doctor Dr. Karina Oliani, former FBI Agent Bobby Chacon, British survival expert Megan Hine and tech expert Brennon Edwards. Their journey will begin in the dark jungles of Peru, east of the Andes, where Akakor is said to be located.

1 Season

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Curse of Akakor FAQ

In the 1980's, three explorers set out to find the legendary cities of Akakor and Akahim in the Amazon jungle, but one by one, they disappeared. Now, guided by the legend of Akakor and equipped with the latest technology, an international team of investigators are following in the footsteps of those missing explorers. They're aiming to solve a dual mystery. First, do Akakor and Akahim exist? And second, what happened to those explorers who went missing? Led by Irish investigate journalist, Paul Connolly, the team will include American geologist and explorer Dr. Martin Pepper, Brazilian wilderness doctor Dr. Karina Oliani, former FBI Agent Bobby Chacon, British survival expert Megan Hine and tech expert Brennon Edwards. Their journey will begin in the dark jungles of Peru, east of the Andes, where Akakor is said to be located.
There are Curse of Akakor seasons of the 1.
The cast of Curse of Akakor are Megan Hine starring as herself, Brennon Edwards starring as himself, Paul Connolly starring as himself, Dr. Martin Pepper starring as himself, Karina Oliani starring as herself, Bobby Chacon starring as himself.
The genre of Curse of Akakor is Documentary,Crime.
On May 13, 2024, there are 145 reactions to Curse of Akakor including accurate reflection, gruesome murder, completely enthralling, academic, humanitarian.
On May 13, 2024, IMDB rating to Curse of Akakor is 6.6.