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Akkad Bakkad Rafu Chakkar

Crime, Drama, Mystery | 1 Seasons | Returning Series
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The “good life” is just one scam away. This thought takes root in the minds of two friends Bhargav and Siddhant after they read countless news stories of bank scams that have happened in the country and that a total of seventy-one thousand five hundred crores has been scammed. Together they devise a plan to open India’s first fake bank. Will they get away or will they get caught?

1 Season

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Negative 57%

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Akkad Bakkad Rafu Chakkar FAQ

On May 13, 2024, IMDB rating to Akkad Bakkad Rafu Chakkar is 4.3.
On May 13, 2024, there are 1310 reactions to Akkad Bakkad Rafu Chakkar including colossal waste, getting under my skin, leisurely pace, total waste, common man.
The cast of Akkad Bakkad Rafu Chakkar are Anuj Rampal, starring as , Sreya Muthukumar starring as , Semwal Swati starring as , Alisha Chopra starring as , Santosh Kumar Singh starring as , Shishir Sharma starring as .
The full version of Akkad Bakkad Rafu Chakkar is available atprovided by Amazon Prime Video
The genre of Akkad Bakkad Rafu Chakkar is Crime,Drama,Mystery.
The “good life” is just one scam away. This thought takes root in the minds of two friends Bhargav and Siddhant after they read countless news stories of bank scams that have happened in the country and that a total of seventy-one thousand five hundred crores has been scammed. Together they devise a plan to open India’s first fake bank. Will they get away or will they get caught?
There are Akkad Bakkad Rafu Chakkar seasons of the 1.