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2023 Oscars Top Film Tastes

Find the latest responses to 2023 Oscar Winners and emerging responses compared to 2022

Emerging Tastes in 2023

Directing is the area people reviewed the most often on 2023 Oscars Winners. Directing is the area posting the highest increase in people’s interests, by 6.57%p, whereas the audiences’ interests decreased the most from Climax & Ending, by -8.94%p.

  • 2023
  • 2022

Popular Movies with Similar Tastes


Using AI Keytalk - the system that learns various tastes and contexts from social data to adhere to individual preferences, Maimovie recognizes users’ tastes and expressions and transparently provides the most diversified rankings and recommendations.
Our goal is to help users find the perfect movies that match their preferences. To achieve this, we analyze major award winners using 'keytalk' analysis to reflect current movie trends. By analyzing audience reactions, we aim to enhance and redefine users' movie search experience.
We classify each year’s award-winners into ten award categories and utilize our AI analysis to rank tastes for each category. Users can compare “keytalks” and rankings of applicable tastes of multiple years, explore related movie rankings, and understand the cinematographic trends by era - allowing users and industry officials to get an unprecedented amount of insight into the field.