At the End of the Sea
2007-01-18 | Drama
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Todor, a Serbian smuggler in Trieste, Italy, earns his daily bread by smuggling fake brand cigarettes. He sails out in a small boat to collect his freight if there is enough mist to make his illegal mission possible. One day he reluctantly accepts a much larger cargo. In the crate he finds a wounded and drugged woman. Todor decides not to deliver the freight and takes the woman home with him. He takes a chest full of stones to his client and it soon becomes apparent that he has got himself into big trouble with this manoeuvre. Todor takes care of the woman, who slowly but surely overcomes her fear of him. By the time he manages to get her a passport, an unbreakable bond has silently grown between them and he asks her to go away with him. Fate decides otherwise.
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At the End of the Sea FAQ
The casts of At the End of the Sea are Miki Manojlović starring as Todor, Diana Dobreva starring as Nilofar, Luigi Maria Burruano starring as Aurelio, Giuseppe Battiston starring as Dolce, Orazio Bobbio starring as Virgilio, Ali Reza Movahed starring as Iranian Father.
The genre of At the End of the Sea is Drama.
On October 04, 2024, the IMDB rating of At the End of the Sea is 6.6/10, Rotten Tomato rating is 0/100, Metacritic rating is 0/100, TMDB rating is 6.0/10.
On October 04, 2024, there were 2056 public reaction to At the End of the Sea including reverse shot, emotional rollercoaster, cinema verite, feeling motion sickness, mainstream.
The release date of At the End of the Sea is January 18, 2007.
The runtime of At the End of the Sea is 108 minutes.
The director of At the End of the Sea is Nora Hoppe.
Todor, a Serbian smuggler in Trieste, Italy, earns his daily bread by smuggling fake brand cigarettes. He sails out in a small boat to collect his freight if there is enough mist to make his illegal mission possible. One day he reluctantly accepts a much larger cargo. In the crate he finds a wounded and drugged woman. Todor decides not to deliver the freight and takes the woman home with him. He takes a chest full of stones to his client and it soon becomes apparent that he has got himself into big trouble with this manoeuvre. Todor takes care of the woman, who slowly but surely overcomes her fear of him. By the time he manages to get her a passport, an unbreakable bond has silently grown between them and he asks her to go away with him. Fate decides otherwise..