The Shepherd
2005-06-06 | Drama
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According to a central Asian tradition, the younger brother is responsible for the wife of his brother in his absence. So 13-year-old Jamshed is too. Lack of work made his brother leave for the West to earn money. Jamshed does what he should do, even though he dreams of things that boys of his age much prefer to do. He regards his sister-in-law and his duty to her as a burden.
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Top 20 Movies Similar to The Shepherd
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“ Impelling And Reinforcing ”
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“ Wonderfully Nuanced ”
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Acting & Cast
“ Non-Linear Narrative ”
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“ Excellent Supporting Cast ”
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Acting & Cast
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The Shepherd FAQ
On October 04, 2024, there were 511 public reaction to The Shepherd including impelling and reinforcing, wonderfully nuanced, non-linear narrative, excellent supporting cast, highly symbolic.
The casts of The Shepherd are Elnur Abraev starring as , Lola Eltoeva starring as , Zebo Navruzova starring as , Farkhad Abdullayev starring as .
The runtime of The Shepherd is 77 minutes.
The genre of The Shepherd is Drama.
The release date of The Shepherd is June 06, 2005.
The director of The Shepherd is Yusup Razykov.
On October 04, 2024, the IMDB rating of The Shepherd is 5.1/10, Rotten Tomato rating is 0/100, Metacritic rating is 0/100, TMDB rating is 1.0/10.
According to a central Asian tradition, the younger brother is responsible for the wife of his brother in his absence. So 13-year-old Jamshed is too. Lack of work made his brother leave for the West to earn money. Jamshed does what he should do, even though he dreams of things that boys of his age much prefer to do. He regards his sister-in-law and his duty to her as a burden..