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Bosch & Rockit

2022-08-18 | Drama
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As Rockit grapples to understand why his Mum’s not coming home, he embarks on a magical holiday with his father, Bosch, only to discover they’re actually running from the law. Rockit finds a soulmate and then teenage love with Ash Ash, but it’s the ocean that gives him the security and calm he yearns from his parents. Ultimately Rockit is a boy nurtured and held by nature.

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Bosch & Rockit FAQ

The runtime of Bosch & Rockit is 107 minutes.
On October 04, 2024, there were 3758 public reaction to Bosch & Rockit including ethereal quality, exotic, heavy, supple acting, plangent sound.
The genre of Bosch & Rockit is Drama.
The casts of Bosch & Rockit are Luke Hemsworth starring as Bosch, Rasmus King starring as Rockit, Isabel Lucas starring as Deb, Leeanna Walsman starring as Elizabeth, Heather Mitchell starring as Wendy, Michael Sheasby starring as Keith.
The director of Bosch & Rockit is Tyler Atkins.
As Rockit grapples to understand why his Mum’s not coming home, he embarks on a magical holiday with his father, Bosch, only to discover they’re actually running from the law. Rockit finds a soulmate and then teenage love with Ash Ash, but it’s the ocean that gives him the security and calm he yearns from his parents. Ultimately Rockit is a boy nurtured and held by nature..
The release date of Bosch & Rockit is August 18, 2022.