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The Moor's Head
1995-05-18 | Drama / Horror
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Georg, who is happy with his job as a scientist, with his loving wife and with his three children, hears one day that an accident has happened in a chemical plant nearby. All of a sudden, he finds himself face to face with one of the victims. The man, whose face has been eaten away by the sour gas that escaped from the plant, is staring at him in despair. Does Georg really see the man or is this a mere hallucination? Is he becoming insane or is he more alert to the dangers of the world than the common man?
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The Moor's Head FAQ
The genre of The Moor's Head is Drama,Horror.
The director of The Moor's Head is Paulus Manker.
On October 04, 2024, there were 1245 public reaction to The Moor's Head including Cosmic Horror, diabolical, reverse shot, deeply focused, symmetry plots.
The release date of The Moor's Head is May 18, 1995.
Georg, who is happy with his job as a scientist, with his loving wife and with his three children, hears one day that an accident has happened in a chemical plant nearby. All of a sudden, he finds himself face to face with one of the victims. The man, whose face has been eaten away by the sour gas that escaped from the plant, is staring at him in despair. Does Georg really see the man or is this a mere hallucination? Is he becoming insane or is he more alert to the dangers of the world than the common man?.
On October 04, 2024, the IMDB rating of The Moor's Head is 6.8/10, Rotten Tomato rating is 0/100, Metacritic rating is 0/100, TMDB rating is 7.0/10.
The runtime of The Moor's Head is 120 minutes.
The casts of The Moor's Head are Gert Voss starring as Georg, Angela Winkler starring as Anna, Leni Tanzer starring as Christina, Manuel Löffler starring as Jakob, Oana Solomon starring as Eva, Rosalinde Renn starring as .