Mistaken Orders
1925-06-29 |
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Vincent Barton, the son of the vice-president of a railroad company, takes a job as the depot agent at Bynes. He fires one of Tony Sharkey's henchmen, scheming against the railroad, and, as a result, a fight takes place and a switching order is overlooked which nearly results in a major wreck. Realizing the situation at Hynes, Helen Barton, Vincent's sister, dashes to Hynes in her roadster and puts together a severed telegraph wire to put the station back in communications with headquarters. Meanwhile, Helen's sweetheart, Tom Lawson, is fighting with Sharkey in a run-away engine and it is headed for an open bridge over a river.
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Mistaken Orders FAQ
Vincent Barton, the son of the vice-president of a railroad company, takes a job as the depot agent at Bynes. He fires one of Tony Sharkey's henchmen, scheming against the railroad, and, as a result, a fight takes place and a switching order is overlooked which nearly results in a major wreck. Realizing the situation at Hynes, Helen Barton, Vincent's sister, dashes to Hynes in her roadster and puts together a severed telegraph wire to put the station back in communications with headquarters. Meanwhile, Helen's sweetheart, Tom Lawson, is fighting with Sharkey in a run-away engine and it is headed for an open bridge over a river..
On October 04, 2024, the IMDB rating of Mistaken Orders is 6.2/10, Rotten Tomato rating is 0/100, Metacritic rating is 0/100, TMDB rating is 0.0/10.
The release date of Mistaken Orders is June 29, 1925.
The director of Mistaken Orders is J.P. McGowan.
The casts of Mistaken Orders are Helen Holmes starring as Helen Barton, Jack Perrin starring as Tom Lawson, Henry A. Barrows starring as Gen. Barton, Hal Walters starring as Vince Barton, Harry Tenbrook starring as Tony Sharkey, Cecil Kellogg starring as The Night Operator.
On October 04, 2024, there were 440 public reaction to Mistaken Orders including Disaster Movie, least interesting, loud explosion, unpolished, sinuously beautiful.
The runtime of Mistaken Orders is 25 minutes.