Shirley Temple: America's Little Darling
1993-08-31 | Documentary
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There never was a star quite like her. Adored by adults and children alike, at four she already led at the box office — ahead of Gable and Cooper. Her films saved a movie studio from bankruptcy, and a President credited her with raising the morale of Depression-weary Americans. Her earliest movies gave a foretaste of her talents and soon would become the songs and dances that helped make those movies immortal.
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Shirley Temple: America's Little Darling FAQ
The genre of Shirley Temple: America's Little Darling is Documentary.
The full version of Shirley Temple: America's Little Darling is provided by
Tubi TV
Pluto TV
Amazon Video
The runtime of Shirley Temple: America's Little Darling is 48 minutes.
The release date of Shirley Temple: America's Little Darling is August 31, 1993.
There never was a star quite like her. Adored by adults and children alike, at four she already led at the box office — ahead of Gable and Cooper. Her films saved a movie studio from bankruptcy, and a President credited her with raising the morale of Depression-weary Americans. Her earliest movies gave a foretaste of her talents and soon would become the songs and dances that helped make those movies immortal..
On September 06, 2024, the IMDB rating of Shirley Temple: America's Little Darling is 7.0/10, Rotten Tomato rating is 0/100, Metacritic rating is 0/100, TMDB rating is 0.0/10.
On September 06, 2024, there were 717 public reaction to Shirley Temple: America's Little Darling including publically conscious, archival footage, evil dictator, balanced view, non-linear narrative.
The director of Shirley Temple: America's Little Darling is Gene Feldman.
The casts of Shirley Temple: America's Little Darling are Tommy Tune starring as Host, Frank Coghlan Jr. starring as Himself, Alice Faye starring as Herself, Dickie Moore starring as Himself, Cesar Romero starring as Himself, Gloria Stuart starring as Herself.