![Key visual of Warnings](https://image.maimovie.com/t/p/w500/nhZARZSnwUPUV6p6lOUBtB3uoiY.jpg)
2019-10-08 | Horror
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What was meant to be a fun weekend retreat turns deadly for a group of friends when agitated spirits haunt the house they're staying in to warn them of a maniacal serial killer nearby.
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“ Hasty Plot ”
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“ Haphazard Production ”
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“ Dull Stretch ”
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“ Way Too Slow ”
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“ Nail Biting Moments ”
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Warnings FAQ
The runtime of Warnings is 80 minutes.
The director of Warnings is Demetrius Navarro.
What was meant to be a fun weekend retreat turns deadly for a group of friends when agitated spirits haunt the house they're staying in to warn them of a maniacal serial killer nearby..
The casts of Warnings are Raquel Pomplun starring as Leah, Demetrius Navarro starring as Hector, Pritesh Shah starring as Rashad, Daniel Luján starring as , Erlinda Navarro starring as Patricia.
The genre of Warnings is Horror.
The full version of Warnings is provided by
Tubi TV
Freevee Amazon Channel
Apple iTunes
The release date of Warnings is October 08, 2019.
On October 04, 2024, there were 3416 public reaction to Warnings including hasty plot, haphazard production, dull stretch, way too slow, nail biting moments.
On October 04, 2024, the IMDB rating of Warnings is 3.4/10, Rotten Tomato rating is 0/100, Metacritic rating is 0/100, TMDB rating is 2.0/10.