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2022-07-06 | Drama
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The Patagonian steppe is battered by a grey wind... Mora is 13 years old and intends to become a "gaucho". She questions the school and asserts her individuality towards her parents, two environmentalists from Italian-speaking Switzerland whose dream of autonomy turns into a nightmare. Mora goes deep into the steppe to help the only friend she has, Nazareno, an old Mapuche who has lost his horse, Zahorí.

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Zahorí FAQ

The runtime of Zahorí is 105 minutes.
On October 04, 2024, the IMDB rating of Zahorí is 6.6/10, Rotten Tomato rating is 0/100, Metacritic rating is 0/100, TMDB rating is 5.0/10.
The director of Zahorí is Marí Alessandrini.
The release date of Zahorí is July 06, 2022.
The casts of Zahorí are Lara Tortosa starring as , Santos Curapil starring as , Cirilo Wesley starring as , Sabine Timoteo starring as , Federico Luque starring as , Colo Susini starring as .
On October 04, 2024, there were 1346 public reaction to Zahorí including fragmented narrative, reverse shot, cocksure, deeply focused, impressionistic.
The Patagonian steppe is battered by a grey wind... Mora is 13 years old and intends to become a "gaucho". She questions the school and asserts her individuality towards her parents, two environmentalists from Italian-speaking Switzerland whose dream of autonomy turns into a nightmare. Mora goes deep into the steppe to help the only friend she has, Nazareno, an old Mapuche who has lost his horse, Zahorí..