Key visual of Penn & Teller: Bullshit! 6

Penn & Teller: Bullshit! 6

2008-06-19 | Comedy,Documentary | 10 episodes

9 Seasons


War on Porn (2008)

In the sixth season premiere, Penn and Teller look at the "War on Porn",a crusade by various special interest groups to restrict free speech and regulate the Internet.

War on Porn poster

New Age Medicine (2008)

Penn and Teller take a skeptical look at New Age medicine and its outrageous, unsupported claims of healing despite a heap of evidence that it doesn't work.

New Age Medicine poster

NASA (2008)

In episode 603, it's time to take a closer look at the National Aeronautics and Space Administration, a government agency that spends scads of taxpayer money to achieve what private industry might be able to do more profitably and efficiently.

NASA poster

Dolphins (2008)

In episode 604, the cultural mumbo jumbo regarding dolphins is exposed, including New Age-style beliefs about the animals' evolutionary superiority (bunk, say dolphin experts) and the nonsense about dolphin "energy" believed by many.

Dolphins poster

Sleep, Inc. (2008)

In episode 605, the magicians think twice about the high cost of getting a good night's sleep due to the ever-growing industry of sleep product hawkers trying to convince consumers that a special pillow, mist machine or pill will deliver a magical rest.

Sleep, Inc. poster


Featured Crew


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