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Animal Precinct

Documentary | 7 Seasons | Ended
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Animal Precinct is an American documentary reality television series that originally aired from June 26, 2001, to February 4, 2008, on Animal Planet. Set in New York City, the series follows the animal cruelty agents of the ASPCA's Humane Law Enforcement Division as they work as advocates for the five million pets and other animals in New York City, sometimes removing them from dangerous situations and pursuing arrests of those who have been accused of being cruel to animals. The show was filmed locally by crews from Anglia Television, edited in the UK and shown on Discovery Channel networks worldwide.

7 Seasons

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Positive 56%
Negative 44%

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  • Genesis Awards

    Best Reality Programming


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Animal Precinct FAQ

There are Animal Precinct seasons of the 7.
On April 29, 2024, there are 1093 reactions to Animal Precinct including proactive, plush, sobering, conscientious, alarming.
The cast of Animal Precinct are Michael Madsen starring as , Timothy Stack starring as .
Animal Precinct is an American documentary reality television series that originally aired from June 26, 2001, to February 4, 2008, on Animal Planet. Set in New York City, the series follows the animal cruelty agents of the ASPCA's Humane Law Enforcement Division as they work as advocates for the five million pets and other animals in New York City, sometimes removing them from dangerous situations and pursuing arrests of those who have been accused of being cruel to animals. The show was filmed locally by crews from Anglia Television, edited in the UK and shown on Discovery Channel networks worldwide.
The genre of Animal Precinct is Documentary.
The first air date of Animal Precinct is June 26, 2001.