Key visual of Nash Bridges 6

Nash Bridges 6

2000-10-06 | Action & Adventure,Drama | 22 episodes

6 Seasons


Rock and a Hard Place (2000)

An old nemisis of Nash's breaks out of prison. Joe finds a new house through Ulla, makes an incredible deal on it, but it turns out to be a disaster. Harvey's new partner, Antwon Babcock, joins the SIU.

Rock and a Hard Place poster

Directed By

Jim Charleston


Damon Lindelof

Jump Start (2000)

Nash clashes with his new rival, Deputy Chief Max Pettit, who has assigned Cassidy to a dangerous undercover gig involving synthetic diamond smugglers and a deadly assassin working for the South African diamond cartel. Joe tries to back out of the house purchase; Cassidy and her new partner Rachel McCabe join the S.I.U.

Jump Start poster

Directed By

David Jackson

Lap Dance (2000)

Nash pursues an old flame who is involved with an arms dealer; Joe takes a private detective case to discover if a symphony conductor is having an affair; Cassidy struggles to let go of Evan's memory when she is asked out on a date.

Lap Dance poster

Directed By

Patrick Duffy

Land Pirates (2000)

Nash and Joe are on the trail of a high profile robbery ring that targets San Francisco socialites. Nash runs into Angel when Belinda Cruz hires B&D to prove her sister's pregnancy (she's a nun) is not a virgin birth. Joe enlists Nick to build a speed bump in front of is house.

Land Pirates poster

Directed By

Jim Charleston

ManHunt (2000)

A drug gang knocks over a DEA evidence warehouse and proves elusive for the members of the team; Antwon has a seizure while chasing down the leader of the gang.

ManHunt poster

Directed By

Don Kurt


Larry Barber



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