Key visual of Sesame Street 41

Sesame Street 41

2010-09-27 | Kids,Comedy | 43 episodes

54 Seasons


Camouflage Challenge (2010)

Elmo is taking pictures with his friends when they hear someone say something. It’s Camouflage Carla, played by Kyra Sedgwick! She is camouflaging and blending into the wall behind her. Elmo and Rosita want to camouflage too! Camouflage Carla tells them to join The Camouflage Club. All they have to do is pass the Camouflage Challenge and find six camouflaged things on Sesame Street in six minutes. First, they find a grasshopper that blends in with a bush. Next, they spot two butterflies that are camouflaged among the flowers. Then, they find a green lizard perched on a green leaf. Finally, they find two ladybugs camouflaged on Elmo’s red fur! Elmo takes a snapshot of each critter as they go on their adventure. At the end, they count six camouflaged things altogether. They passed the Camouflage Challenge! Carla gives each of them their very own uniform and Elmo and Rosita become full-fledged members of The Camouflage Club!

Camouflage Challenge poster

The Happy Scientists (2010)

Gordon is grading his classes’ science experiments when Elmo, Rosita, and Telly run in and accidentally land on the papers. Gordon encourages Elmo, Rosita, and Telly that anyone, including them, can be scientists. All they need to do is to ask questions and investigate! They look around Sesame Street and see Leela giving Barkley a bath. Elmo comes up with a question: Does everyone on Sesame Street take a bath? Gordon guides them through the scientific process. First, Elmo and Rosita hypothesize, or guess, that everyone takes a bath. Telly isn’t sure that everyone takes a bath so he forms a different hypothesis. They investigate and record their observations in their journals. They find out that Chris takes a bath, a cat licks itself and takes a tongue bath, a sparrow takes a dust bath, an owl takes a sun bath to get rid of germs, and even Oscar takes a mud bath in his trash can. This makes Telly mad since his hypothesis was wrong-everyone does take a bath on Sesame Street. Gordon explains that it’s okay to be wrong in science because the most important part is the process, or the steps you take to get your answer. Telly, Rosita, and Elmo become happy scientists! They not only learn all about the scientific process, but also find an answer to their important question!

The Happy Scientists poster

Chicken About Thunderstorms (2010)

It’s a windy, overcast day on Sesame Street. Elmo, Abby, Leela, and some chickens have just won the first game of the T-Ball season. They are celebrating with Chris when they hear a loud rumble of thunder and raindrops start falling. The chickens start to panic, and everyone gathers into Hooper’s Store where it’s safe. Elmo suggests that the chickens cover their eyes so they don’t get scared by the lightning, but that doesn’t stop them from hearing the thunder. Abby waves her wand and puts earmuffs on the chickens. This time, they don’t hear the thunder but they can still see the lightning! As they continue to panic, Leela suggests that they comfort the chickens by telling them that they are safe and explain what thunderstorms are. One chicken calms down, but the other three are still scared. To help the others feel better they try watching the storm like a fireworks show, counting in between the lightning and thunder to hear the storm moving away. They also make their own lighting and thunder musical performance inside Mr. Hooper’s store. It works! The remaining three chickens calm down just as the storm fades away. The sun comes out and everyone heads back outside to play T-Ball!

Chicken About Thunderstorms poster

The Ironing Monster (2010)

Leela and Elmo are sorting laundry in the Laundromat when Grover stops by to have his Super Grover cape cleaned. Grover realizes that people all over the Laundromat need his help. Bert has soggy socks, Gina is out of fabric softener, and Cookie Monster has a stain. Without his cape, a new superhero must be born! Grover returns as Iron Monster, complete with a metal suit! Chris shows up asking Leela to break his dollar so he can do his laundry. Iron Monster misunderstands and wrestles with the dollar to “break” it. Leela comes back and explains that Chris just needs quarters&ndas; four quarters for each dollar. Gabi comes to the Laundromat with two mustard stains on her sweatshirt. Iron Monster tries to get rid of the stains by subtracting them, but adds five more stains instead! Leela shows Iron Monster how to subtract all of the stains with a stain remover as Elmo counts along. Finally, Iron Monster tries to solve Maria’s problem by using static cling to find Maria’s missing sock. After laundry goes flying everywhere, Leela suggests they check the missing sock box. They sort through different patterns and find the lost red and white striped sock. Finally, Grover’s cape is ready. Before he flies off for his next adventure, Grover points out that Iron Monster is not needed anymore because the Laundromat already has a fantastic superhero, Leela!

The Ironing Monster poster

What’s That Noise (2010)

Elmo is sleeping over at Maria and Luis' apartment. When Elmo tries to sleep, he hears a strange noise. He calls them in, but the sounds stop when they listen.

What’s That Noise poster
