Key visual of General Hospital 52

General Hospital 52

2014-03-31 | Soap | 251 episodes

34 Seasons


#13027 (2014)

Monica leaves an elevator at the hospital and visits her son's room and holds him close. Carly tells Sonny that AJ told her that he shot him. Monica says goodbye to AJ as Emily's ghost shows up. Monica thinks about Alan, Jason, Dawn and Emily and wishes that she was with them. Emily says she is always with them. AJ's spirit appears infront of Monica and thanks her for giving him a second chance at life. AJ and Emily tell her why she needs to carry on living. Sonny takes Carly somewhere private to talk and he admits to her that he shot AJ. Sonny talks to Carly about the things AJ put them through in the past and they remember the life they shared together. Sonny wants her not to tell anyone that he shot AJ and she replies that she needs time to think about things. Mac thinks that Felicia should run for mayor. Lucy thinks about Scott telling her to choose between him or Kevin. Kevin promises to help her with the upcoming Nurses' Ball. Bobbie goes to Kelly's to see Scott and tells him that she and Noah have broken up as he has been cheating on her. Lucy shows up and tells Scott that she has decided that her future is with Kevin.

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#13028 (2014)

Dante learns from Nathan that he's had no luck finding Ben yet. Dante attempts to reassure Lulu that they will find him. Diane shows up at the police station to represent Britt and she reveals that Liesl sent her. Diane believes that Britt has done nothing illegal. After Dante refuses to release her, Diane leaves to get a court order. Lulu is upset when Diane returns with the court order. Sonny tells Shawn that Carly knows that he shot AJ. Nathan receives a visit from Sam and Silas and they show him the article they planted in the newspaper about Nakamura still being alive. Liesl shows Elizabeth a newspaper article reporting AJ's death and she becomes upset. Lulu shows up to see Elizabeth. Julian and Ava argue about who killed AJ. As he is about to show her the Nakamura article, Jordan shows up, looking for a job. Ava ends up offering her a job instead. After Jordan leaves, he shows her the article about Nakamura. When Jordan returns to Kelly's she tells Shawn and her son about her new job. Carly wakes up in bed with Franco feeling shaken about her memories of AJ telling her that Sonny shot him. Before Carly can tell Franco about Sonny killing AJ, Sonny shows up. After Franco leaves, Sonny wants to know what she is planning to do.

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#13029 (2014)

Liesl tells Elizabeth to get rid of Lulu. Liesl eavesdrops as they talk about their feelings. Dante warns Britt not to leave town before releasing her. Nikolas shows up and is not happy to learn about her release. Britt tells him that her feelings for him were real before leaving. Lulu shows up and tells Nikolas and Dante about her visit with Elizabeth. Britt and Brad talk about losing everything after she shows up at the hospital. Brad ends up offering her a place to stay. Britt receives a call from her mother. Ava is left feeling stunned after she reads the article about Nakamura. Nathan shows up and informs Julian that they need to talk. Ava listens in as they talk which is part of their plan. Jordan learns from Shawn and her son about the Jerome family and how TJ was used as a human shield by Julian. Jordan decides to still take the job working for Ava. Nathan fills Silas and Sam in on how their plan is going. Carly wants to know how Ava is connected to AJ's death and Sonny fills her in. Carly decides not to tell Michael that it was Sonny who shot AJ.

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#13030 (2014)

Morgan sees Ava coming out of the gallery and realizes that there’s something wrong. He sees the newspaper article about Nakamura on the floor and asks if she was in New York to kill him. Ava insists that Silas killed him. Morgan attempts to get Ava to open up to him but she tells him if he loves her he will stop hounding her. Nathan, Silas and Sam believe that Ava will attempt to finish off Nakamura and have audio and video set up to catch her in the act. Nathan learns that most of the officers are busy looking for Liesl and their Nakamura stand-in is not available. Sam volunteers but Silas refuses to agree to let her put herself in danger. Nathan promises Silas that he will take care of Sam after Silas is called away. Brad leaves Lucas a voicemail. Liesl calls her daughter at the hospital and asks if she is ready to pick up her son and informs her that she has some fake passports so that she can start a new life with him. Shawn is not happy about Jordan working for Ava and accuses her of being back to her old ways. Felix learns from Lucas that he and Brad have broken up. Britt goes to the police station. Nikolas shows up at Elizabeth's place after learning that it wasn't Ric who was there the last time he visited. Liesl ends up pointing a gun at him. Felix goes to see Brad and informs that he knows everything about him and Britt and how he knows he was going to tell him. Ava shows up to see Silas and tells him that they need to talk. A woman enters the hotel room and uncaps a syringe. Sam and Nathan are shocked when it turns out to be Madeline.

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#13031 (2014)

Ava informs Silas that Nakamura is still alive and she attempts to convince him to go to the hotel to silence him as she thinks that Silas was the one who attempted to kill Nina. Ava swears on their daughter's life that she never tried to kill Nina after Silas tells her it wasn't him. After Morgan sees them talking, he asks Ava if she still has feelings for Silas. Nathan is shocked to see his mother in the hotel room and she tries to play dumb. Sam believes that she is the person who put Nina in the coma and murdered Nakamura. Madeline continues to deny any wrongdoing as Silas shows up. Silas learns the truth about Nathan really being Nina's brother. Silas and Nathan are shocked when they find out from Madeline that Nina was pregnant at the time she went into the coma. Ric informs Julian that Sonny believes that he is funding his organization. Ric decides that he can no longer represent Julian as Alexis shows up. Things heat up between Julian and Alexis again after Ric leaves. Tracy isn't impressed with a present that Luke gives her. Luke wants to work with her at ELQ and she is surprised as he has never worked an office job before. Tracy wants to know what he is up to. Britt informs Lulu and Dante that she can take them to Ben and tells them where to find her mother. Dante refuses to allow Lulu to go with him. Britt shows at Elizabeth's place just as her mother is about to shoot Nikolas.

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