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Drama, Animation, Action & Adventure | 1 Seasons | Ended
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Mireille Bouquet is a professional assassin, and a very good one at that. But when she follows up an E-mail from a young Japanese girl named Kirika Yumura, inviting her to take "a pilgrimage to the past", her life becomes even more dangerous than it already is. Now, with a haunting melody invoking the memory of an event long past, Mireille and Kirika decide to work together to find the truth about a thousand-year-old organization that has controlled both of their lives since before they were born. And the only clue in their search, the only thing Kirika remembers about herself, becomes their working codename: a name designating an ancient fate, of two maidens who reign over death—Noir.

1 Season

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Noir FAQ

The genre of Noir is Drama,Animation,Action & Adventure.
The first air date of Noir is April 06, 2001.
There are Noir seasons of the 1.
On April 29, 2024, there are 2093 reactions to Noir including vigilant character, innocent girl, femme fatale, ostentatious, flashback sequence.
On April 29, 2024, IMDB rating to Noir is 7.2.
Mireille Bouquet is a professional assassin, and a very good one at that. But when she follows up an E-mail from a young Japanese girl named Kirika Yumura, inviting her to take "a pilgrimage to the past", her life becomes even more dangerous than it already is. Now, with a haunting melody invoking the memory of an event long past, Mireille and Kirika decide to work together to find the truth about a thousand-year-old organization that has controlled both of their lives since before they were born. And the only clue in their search, the only thing Kirika remembers about herself, becomes their working codename: a name designating an ancient fate, of two maidens who reign over death—Noir.
The full version of Noir is available atprovided by Apple iTunes , Funimation Now