Alarm for Cobra 11: The Motorway Police 29
2011-03-10 | Drama,Comedy,Action & Adventure | 6 episodes50 Seasons
Bad Bank (2011)
The stripper Maja wants to rob a bank with an accomplice. The robbery goes perfectly, but since Semir happend to be in the same bank at the time of the robbery, he and Ben take short hand on the persecution of the two. This leads to a serious accident: A vehicle carrying dangerous goods crashes and Ben comes in contact with the poisonous substance and goes blind! Not only the hunt of the criminals has to wait but also the the doctors don't have much hope for Ben's recovery. Meanwhile, the head of the bank hires a professional team to look for the two bank robbers. Strangely, the men seem to be one step ahead of Semir and when they finally find Maya's accomplice, the kill him in cold blood. Semir is alarmed and suspected that the bank itself embroiled in shady dealings and Maja has a legitim motive to facilitate the bank of 100,000 euros. Finally, when Maya's son is kidnapped, the events follow in quick succession. Will Semir solve the case and save the little boy? He must fight against a powerful enemy: the bank. And only a half blind Ben is there to help him ...
Das zweite Leben (2011)
Höher, schneller, weiter (2011)
Und Action! (2011)
Der Anschlag auf eine flüchtende Autodiebin führt Ben zurück in seine Vergangenheit. Damals hat er im LKA gearbeitet und sein damaliger Freund und Kollege Max Breuer wurde als Verräter enttarnt und von einer Kollegin, Eva Kramer, erschossen. Nun scheint es, als ob Max' Sohn Alexander sich für den Tod seines Vaters rächen will. Und zwar an Ben und seinen ehemaligen LKA-Kollegen. Eine gnadenlose Jagd beginnt. Doch plötzlich wird Ben und Semir klar, dass es in diesem Fall gar nicht um Rache geht...
In der Schusslinie (2011)
The attack on a fleeing car thief leads Ben back to his past. Back then he worked in the LKA and his former friend and colleague Max Brewer was revealed as a traitor and killd by Eva Kramer, one of his coolegues. Now it seems as if Max' son Alexander wants to take revenge for the death of his father. In fact on Ben and his former colleagues LKA. A merciless hunt begins. Suddenly, Ben and Semir notice that in this case it's not about revenge...