Key visual of Orange Is the New Black 5

Orange Is the New Black 5

2017-06-10 | Comedy,Drama | 13 episodes
The power dynamics at Litchfield shift dramatically as the inmates react to a tragedy in an explosive new season.

8 Seasons


Riot FOMO (2017)

As the standoff at the prison spirals into a full-blown riot, enterprising inmates take advantage of the confusion. Taystee confronts Caputo.

Riot FOMO poster

Directed By

Andrew McCarthy

Fuck, Marry, Frieda (2017)

Maria convenes a special assembly in the chapel as the inmates plot their next move. Frieda makes use of the survival skills she learned as a kid.

Fuck, Marry, Frieda poster

Directed By

Constantine Makris

Pissters! (2017)

Linda begins to see the prison in a new light, while Judy grows desperate to escape. With darkness falling, the inmates compile a list of demands.

Pissters! poster

Directed By

Phil Abraham

Litchfield's Got Talent (2017)

Red and Blanca dig for dirt on Piscatella. Suzanne conducts a séance. The guards show off their talents for "Litchfield Idol" judges Leanne and Angie.

Litchfield's Got Talent poster

Directed By

Nick Sandow

Sing It, White Effie (2017)

When the inmates' antics make the morning news, Flaca and Maritza soak up the spotlight. Brandy and her crew auction off Judy to the highest bidder.

Sing It, White Effie poster

Directed By

Phil Abraham



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