Family Guy 21
2022-09-25 | Animation,Comedy | 20 episodes
24 Seasons
Oscars Guy (2022)
"Family Guy" retells three Oscar-winning stories: "Silence of the Lambs," "American Beauty" and "Forrest Gump".
Directed By
- Greg Colton
- Damien Fahey
Bend or Blockbuster (2022)
Resolved to enjoy a family movie night, the Griffins take a road trip to Bend, Oregon, to rent a VHS from the last Blockbuster in existence.
Directed By
- John Holmquist
- Artie Johann
A Wife-Changing Experience (2022)
Joe accidentally sees Lois naked, leading to a reinvigoration of his sex life with Bonnie. Meanwhile, Stewie is gifted an electric SUV and quickly embodies the "Range Rover" lifestyle.
Directed By
- Steve Robertson
- Steve Callaghan
The Munchurian Candidate (2022)
Lois hypnotizes Peter into satisfying her sexual proclivities. Meanwhile, Stewie renovates his treehouse in an attempt to win over Brian and Chris.
Directed By
- Joe Vaux
- Mike Desilets
Unzipped Code (2022)
Cleveland is fired as a mailman after an ignominious mishap, but flourishes in his new job at the brewery.
Directed By
- Julius Wu
- Matt McElaney