Key visual of Spellbinder 1

Spellbinder 1

1995-01-09 | Family,Sci-Fi & Fantasy | 26 episodes

2 Seasons


The Big Bang (1995)

A school excursion turns into a disaster when Paul disappears. As part of a practical joke, Paul and his friend Alex set up a cable, but it passes close to power lines. A strange electrical surge passes through the cable and explodes Paul into a parallel universe. Uncertain of his new surroundings, Paul is confronted by a strange man - a Summoner - who is angered when Paul steals his Eyestone

The Big Bang poster

Where Am I? (1995)

While his classmates and the police are searching for him, Paul is trying to come to terms with his new and primitive surroundings. He has met a girl - Riana - but she is suspicious of his foreign ways and fears he is evil. She leaves him to his own devices, and his strange ways offend the people of this new world, particularly the powerful Spellbinders

Where Am I? poster

Finding The Way Home (1995)

Paul manages to convince a frightened Riana that he is from another world. Together they make their way back to the place where Paul entered this new world. Seeing an electrical surge building up, Paul recognizes his chance to get home. But on the other side the police are still looking for Paul and, fearing the danger of an electrical surge, they knock down the pillars which are feeding the surge - destroying Paul's chances of returning home. Riana takes Paul back to her village

Finding The Way Home poster

It Isn't Magic, It's Science (1995)

Riana arranges it so that Paul can live and work in her village, but he finds the work in the fields unnecessarily difficult. Riana explains that things must be done according to the Spellbinders' instructions. Paul becomes skeptical about the Spellbinders' powers and soon realizes that they are using science, not magic,to appear powerful. The power suits that they wear have some kind of electrical energy. Paul tries to explain to the local Spellbinder, Gryvon, that he is from another world. He shows him things he has brought from his world and asks for some help to get home, but Gryvon accuses him of breaking Spellbinder law. Paul gets an opportunity to show off his unique talents by making fireworks to save the village from ravaging Marauders, but Gryvon takes him away to be judged.

It Isn't Magic, It's Science poster

Secrets (1995)

Paul is brought before the Council of Regents in the Spellbinders' castle and is found guilty of stealing an Eyestone. He is banished to the wastelands for breaking Spellbinder law. One Spellbinder named Ashka is curious about Paul and is sympathetic to his story. She tries to convince the Council of his innocence. As a result, Paul is put in a cell while the Council decides what to do with him. Riana is making her way to the Spellbinder castle in an attempt to return Paul's video tape to him, hoping this will help him convince the Spellbinders that he is from another world. Meanwhile, Paul's family, friends and the police are still desperately looking for him back in his own world. One girl, Katrina, is convinced he has gone into a parallel universe but no one will believe her.

Secrets poster


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