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Degrassi 10

2010-07-18 | Drama | 44 episodes

15 Seasons


What a Girl Wants (1) (2010)

Declan, Fiona and Holly J. have ensured their summer at New York City. Holly J. has to leave for Toronto while Declan and Fiona have to stay in New York to attend Vanderbilt Prep.

What a Girl Wants (1) poster

What a Girl Wants (2) (2010)

Holly J. enlists Anya to fake a pregnancy in order to make Sav quit the election. However, Sav uses it to his benefit and vows to Anya that he will be there for her while she's "carrying" his child. Alli makes a "Biggest Losers" list and puts Dave at the top as revenge for her being low on the hottest Degrassi girls list. Fiona tries to deal with her problems with Bobby.

What a Girl Wants (2) poster

Breakaway (1) (2010)

Fiona confides in Declan about the truth about Bobby, but Declan has doubts. With advice from Holly J., Declan sides with Fiona when he sees her bruised leg and advises Fiona to press charges against Bobby. But Fiona runs back to Degrassi. When Anya comes clean to Sav that Holly J. talked her into faking a pregnancy, to make him drop out of the election race, they team up to use the sympathy card, now that everyone knows about the "pregnancy". Meanwhile, Jenna overhears Clare and Alli's conversation about surgery, and misinterprets it as breast enlargement surgery, when Clare was really was talking about being a candidate for laser eye surgery. The election race ends and Sav ends up winning by 17 votes, and Fiona's mother tracks her down to Degrassi. After having a heart to heart about the situation about Bobby, Fiona's mother tells her that together they will hire a lawyer.

Breakaway (1) poster

Breakaway (2) (2010)

Mrs. Sauvé suggests that Holly J. takes an SAT prep course, but due to her family's financial difficulties, she can not afford it. Meanwhile, Fiona convinces her mother to let her stay in Toronto, to be with Holly J. Envious of Fiona's free spending of money, Holly J. uses the password Fiona told her in confidence to get into Fiona's bank account, and "borrows" $2,000 in an attempt to pay for her SAT prep course. She ends up feeling guilty and breaks down to Fiona about the situation, but Fiona becomes upset. Holly J. apologizes, promising to pay her back somehow, and Fiona forgives her due to the fact of their lack of friends, and they only have each other to rely on. Meanwhile, Clare finds out about her rumored boob job, and that Jenna was behind it all. Clare confronts Jenna, and puts her in her place. Anya lies to the school to save face, and says that she had a "miscarriage". Sav lies to his mother about why they were alone together in the house, and Anya breaks up with him.

Breakaway (2) poster

99 Problems (1) (2010)

Riley competes against eleventh grader rookie Drew for the first quarterback position on the football team. Zane also signs up to join the team, much to Riley's discomfort. However, Drew overhears Riley and Zane in the gym talking about Riley's sexuality, and Drew then threatens to tell the whole team about it, unless Riley backs down from competing for quarterback. Alli tries out for the power squad to be in the popular crowd, but finds out how tough Chantey is. After she doesn't make it, she becomes upset, until Clare suggests she start a club of her own. Meanwhile, K.C. is becoming more popular with the girls after joining the football team, and triggers his girlfriend, Jenna's jealousy.

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