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Animation, Drama, Sci-Fi & Fantasy | 3 Seasons | Ended
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Robotech is an 85-episode adaptation of three different anime television series made between 1982-1984 in Japan; the adaptation was aired in 1985. Within the combined and edited story, Robotechnology refers to the scientific advances discovered in an alien starship that crashed on a South Pacific island. With this technology, Earth developed giant robotic machines or mecha to fight three successive extraterrestrial invasions.

4 Seasons

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Negative 45%

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Robotech FAQ

Robotech is an 85-episode adaptation of three different anime television series made between 1982-1984 in Japan; the adaptation was aired in 1985. Within the combined and edited story, Robotechnology refers to the scientific advances discovered in an alien starship that crashed on a South Pacific island. With this technology, Earth developed giant robotic machines or mecha to fight three successive extraterrestrial invasions.
On April 29, 2024, there are 2109 reactions to Robotech including heavy editing, swashbuckler, kind of lame, Saga, new chapter.
On April 29, 2024, IMDB rating to Robotech is 8.5.
The full version of Robotech is available atprovided by Apple iTunes , Vudu , Amazon Video , Funimation Now , Microsoft Store
The genre of Robotech is Animation,Drama,Sci-Fi & Fantasy.
There are Robotech seasons of the 3.
The cast of Robotech are Cam Clarke starring as Lance Belmont (voice), Gregory Snegoff starring as Scott Bernard (voice), Melanie MacQueen starring as Ariel (voice), Susie London starring as Rook Bartley (voice).